
Tuition: Tuition is paid in monthly installments and covers yearly scheduled individual lessons, studio classes and recitals. For specifics, please contact Brooke.

Tuition is due on or before the 1st of each month. There will be no invoice, but teacher may send a text reminder. My preference is that tuition be paid by Zelle or OSU federal PayItNow. Please remember to make a note on your payment of your child’s name.

Why is tuition divided into monthly payments?
>Piano teaching is my profession and livelihood and setting a tuition rate allows me to have a regular income all school year long. It also makes it easier for students/parents to budget since the exact amount is known each month.

Late Payments:
Please include a dollar per day late fee beginning the 2nd of the month.

Missed Lessons:
There are no credits of refunds issued for missed lessons. See studio policy for more information.

A reminder that 30 days notice of leaving the studio is required. Tuition will not be refunded for abrupt stopping of lessons, and may be owed if tuition has not yet been paid. This is an important part of my policy which makes the decision to quit piano less impulsive and more thought out for students and supportive for parents. Most students want to quit piano when they haven’t practiced:) I find that it is good for them to work through this anxiety and show up anyway to begin again.

Curious what tuition typically covers in a studio?
Here is a list of what tuition covers in a piano studio, that might not always be so apparent apart from normal operating and maintenance costs.